Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2018

Webinare des Landesinstituts für Pädagogik und Medien im Mai 2018

  • Liebe Freunde der Webinare des LPM,
  • Dear friends of the LPM's webinars,
  • Chers amis des webinaires du LPM,
  • Queridos amigos de los webnarios del LPM,
  • In den nächste Wochen im Mai stehen weiter Highlights an
  • The next weeks in May will see several webinar highlights
  • Les semaines prochaines du mois de mai nous offriront plusieurs webinaires phares
  • Las proximas semanas del mayo ofrecen otros webinarios espectularse más

  • ​Nearpod is a tool that allows you to create interactive content from your existing PowerPoint presentations that is streamed to learners' tablets or smart phones. This webinar will give you the experience of being a student using Nearpod as well as seeing how a teacher creates material with this tool. With it you can:
  • - Keep your learners on track
  • - Find out how much they understand in real time
  • - Share good ideas from students to the rest of the class
  • - Add new activities 'on the fly'
  • - Get a full report at the end of the class
  • - Set the same work as 'homework' to be done at the learner's own pace
  • We will also discuss the pedagogical advantages and disadvantages of such a teacher-controlled app
  • Presenter: Tilly Harrison
  • Host: Jo Gakonga
  • Select the option „Als Gast eintreten“ (enter as a guest) and enter your COMPLETE name (first + last name into the textbox!!! (No password needed!)
  • My Daily Newsletters:
  • Spread the word, tell a colleague, bring a friend !!!

  •      Les dernières décennies ont apporté un changement énorme dans la façon avec laquelle les étudiants apprennent. L'utilisation des écrans est si étendue que les éducateurs ne peuvent pas ignorer ce fait.
  •     En outre, plusieurs chercheurs soutiennent fortement que les outils numériques audiovisuels pourraient aider les étudiants à mieux comprendre le matériel pédagogique et à améliorer leurs connaissances et leur créativité. Ils se sont également avérés très utiles pour les élèves ayant des besoins d'apprentissage spéciaux.
  •     Au cours de ce webinaire, plusieurs outils web gratuits et audiovisuels seront présentés, afin d'aider les éducateurs:
  • a) à mieux soutenir leur matériel pédagogique,
  • b) à inverser leur classe (apprentissage inversé)
  • c) à soutenir les révisions de leurs élèves.
  • Mercredi, 16 mai 2018 CET | 19 :00h – 20:30h
  • Intervenantes : Zoé Gallou & Theodora Gkeniou
  • Sélectionnez l’option „entrer en tant qu’invité“ et saisissez IMPÈRATIVEMENT !!! votre nom entier (prénom + nom) !!!
  • Consultez le feedback de nos participants :
  • Notre calendrier de conférences en ligne en langue allemande, anglaise, française et espagnole :

  •     Students like questions to help them prepare for exams. However, it’s hard to provide enough questions for all the many self-assessments and exams. That’s only one reason why the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil developed the Moodle plugin StudentQuiz.
  •     The plugin enables students to collaboratively create their own question pools within Moodle. Even if an individual student contributes a few questions only, a large cohort could easily build up an extensive question pool.
  •     In StudentQuiz, students can filter questions into quizzes, and they can rate and comment on questions while working through the quizzes. StudentQuiz collects usage data for each question and ranks students based on their contribution and performance within the quizzes.
  •     A personal dashboard displays to each student his/her learning progress and compares this with the community. The created questions become part of the Moodle question bank and can be reused in other Moodle quizzes.
  •     The presentation demonstrates the collaborative usage of StudentQuiz and shares practical experiences.
  • May 17th 2018 | 19:00h - 20:30h CET
  • Presenter: Prof. Frank Koch, Lecturer for Business Information Technology
    University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil (FHO)
  • Host: (MoodleFairy) Mary Cooch

  •     The last decades have brought a vast change in the way the students learn. The use of screens is so broadly expanding, that educators cannot disregard this fact.
  •     Furthermore, it is strongly supported by several researchers that the audiovisual web tools could help students to better understand the teaching materials and to improve their knowledge and creativity. They also have proven to be really useful for students with special learning needs.
  •     During this webinar, several audiovisual free web tools will be presented, in order to help educators:
  • a) better support their teaching material,
  • b) flip their classroom (flipped learning)
  • c) help their students revise their lessons.
  • 24th of May 2018 | 19:00h – 20:15h CET
  • Zoe Gallou & Theodora Gkeniou

  •   La clase invertida:
  • • una metodología que está revolucionando el mundo de la enseñanza
  • • un modelo que aboga por la inversión de los roles de profesores y estudiantes
  • • cambios: el profesor pasa de ser un mero expositor, como plantea la enseñanza tradicional, a ser un facilitador que implica y motiva a los alumnos al mismo tiempo que fomenta la interacción.
  • • ¿cómo llevarlo a la práctica y los conocimientos necesarios para implementarlo en el aula?
  • Ponente: Leticia Santana
  • Anfitriona: Cristina García Sánchez
  • Lunes, 28 de mayo 2018 | 19:00h - 20.30h CET
  • Introduzca sin falta !!! su nombre y apellido !!!, por favor
  • No necesita ni nombre de inicio de sesión ni contraseña

Bitte ! Kind request ! Prière ! Solicitud !

  • Bitte informieren Sie interessierte KollegInnen
  • Please spread the news, tell a colleague, bring a friend
  • Diffusez sans modération
  • Por favor, informe a sus colegas

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